I just wanted to say sorry
Because my dad says that I'm the least funny person in the family
Is that bad? I don't think so.
I'm still funny with my friends,
and they think I'm the funniest, right? and that's something!
You have to know that my first languague is not English,
Didn't you know that in Chile we speak Spanish? :P
So...I keep learning English (Danish too)
so probably I'll have some mistakes haha
I suck at writing
I know, I know...
and as you know, I love math, and I'm really good with numbers
but not with letters, so sorry guys,
the good thing: I'm trying!
because I really want to share all this with the world!
or maybe just Chile, Danmark, the US, and some friends from other countries
Sólo quería decir que aunque mi papá piensa que soy la persona menos graciosa de la familia
sigo siendo chistosa con mis amigos, y para ellos soy la mas graciosa, cierto? si.
Recuerden que puedo tener pequeños errores desde que mi lengua madre es español,
también puedo tener problemas en español,
ya que no tengo mucho talento escribiendo haha
como siempre digo "sólo soy buena con los números" (matemática<3333)
En fin.
Love to you,
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